To our shareholders and investors

MSOL representative Kaneko posted greetings to shareholders and investors.
Message from the CEO

To our shareholders and investors

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Our primary business is to support the execution of project management. Our Project Management Office (PMO), rather than merely presenting plans, specializes in supporting the carrying out of actual project implementation. We take on the role of leading a project to success alongside customers. In a rapidly changing business environment, the key to building consistent success lies in having the management skills to handle the challenges posed when projects do not go according to plan.

Since our company's founding, we have proven our competitive advantage through our original brand by leveraging our own unique PMO solutions and in the process we have accumulated a strong track record as an unprecedented third wave in the consulting industry.

We would like to take our new listing as an opportunity to set the goals of acknowledging our responsibility as a publically listed company and further gaining trust while both expanding our business and contributing to society. To reach these goals, we plan to work together with our executives and employees as we commit to making ever-increasing efforts in these directions.

President and CEOAkira Kaneko